We’ve been able to do so much this year because of the support we get from all of you. We’re so incredibly grateful! So in keeping with our annual tradition, this week we have some of our favorite and most popular things we did in 2023.
Don’t forget, you can give a subscription to KTF as a Christmas gift and set the email letting your friend or family member know about the present for the 25th!
With 47 newsletters, 17 podcast episodes, and much more this year, there’s a lot to choose from in this 2023 wrap-up. But there is one obvious place for us to start…
Our second book!
We were so happy with the reception to Faith Unleavened, the debut book of Tamice Spencer-Helms. After the many podcast appearances, reviews, book groups, and live events surrounding the book this year, we can say with certainty that a wide range of people found Tamice’s work to be a powerful and hopeful confrontation with some of the most difficult aspects of western Christianity. If you haven’t already, grab a copy for yourself or as a Christmas gift! And speaking of the book…
Your Favorite Podcast Episodes
Our top two most-downloaded podcast episodes this year were our interview with Tamice about Faith Unleavened, and the excerpt from the book Tamice read. Those were closely followed by our interview with CNN reporter John Blake on his memoir about faith, race, and mental health.
Your Favorite Newsletters
Our most-read newsletter this year covered issues from disability rights, to the origin of the atomic bomb, to affirmative action and reparations, to the atrocities of Texas Governor Greg Abbot, and mor. It was closely followed by our newsletter on October 12, which was entirely about Israel and Palestine. That one feels particularly important to revisit now as the violence has resumed because Jonathan gave us several ways to engage with the conflict on both an emotional and spiritual level.
Your Favorite Article
The article read more than any other this year was “Just Like Everyone Else,” Sy’s personal reflection on his grief surrounding disability exclusion, and the relief that inclusion and justice bring.
Evolving Faith Conference
We founded this company during the pandemic, but this year we had our first opportunity to meet a ton of old and new friends in person when Sy went to the Evolving Faith conference. It was such a great experience, and we hope to do a lot more things like this in future.
Shake the Dust Preview
Tomorrow, our bonus episode features Jonathan and Sy talking about the power of the incarnation during hard times over the holiday season. They discuss:
Why exactly the holidays can be so hard
How our values about justice and systems of oppression interact with our vulnerability this time of year
What the hope of the incarnation has to say about all of it
And a segment on a recent newsletter highlight about the audacity and courage of abolitionist work
Don’t miss it, and if you aren’t a paid subscriber, get a free month so you can listen!
Thank you all for everything you did this year to support us and spread the word about our work. We appreciate you so much,. Have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Jonathan and Sy