KTF Press
Shake the Dust
Season 3 Starts Friday!
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:36

Season 3 Starts Friday!

We’re back! Jonathan and Sy make some announcements about what’s coming in season 3, and a sale we’re having on our paid subscription at http://www.ktfpress.com/season3!

Shake the Dust is a podcast of KTF Press. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Subscribe to get our newsletter and bonus episodes at KTFPress.com. Transcripts of every episode are available at KTFPress.com/s/transcripts.


Jonathan Walton – follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Sy Hoekstra – follow him on Twitter.

Our theme song is “Citizens” by Jon Guerra – listen to the whole song on Spotify.

Our podcast art is by Jacqueline Tam – follow her and see her other work on Instagram.

Production and editing by Sy Hoekstra.

Transcript by Joyce Ambale and Sy Hoekstra.

Questions about anything you heard on the show? Write to shakethedust@ktfpress.com and we may answer your question on a future episode.


[A guitar softly plays six notes, the first three ascending and the last three descending — F#, B, F#, E, D#, B — with a keyboard pad playing the note B in the background. Both fade out as Jonathan Walton says “This is a KTF Press podcast.” There is a brief pause, and then the intro piano music from “Citizens” by Jon Guerra plays briefly and then fades out]

Sy Hoekstra: Welcome, everyone, to this announcement little feed drop that we have about season three of Shake the Dust. I’m Sy Hoekstra.

Jonathan Walton: And I’m Jonathan Walton.

Sy Hoekstra: And we are here today to give you some news about season three. We are gonna give you some good news, and then we’re gonna give you some sad news, And then we’re gonna give you some good news again. It’ll be a little bit of a sad news sandwich. But Jonathan, why don’t you be the bearer of good news?

Jonathan Walton: The good news is that season three Starts Friday with an interview featuring CNN reporter John Blake. We’re interviewing him about his incredible new memoir about racism, mental health, a fractured family, and his faith. You don’t want to miss it.

We’ll be staying on our every other week schedule from season two, and we have a lot of good stuff coming your way. We’re talking about money, economic justice, white people in racial justice movements, Black maternal health, and a whole lot more.

Sy Hoekstra: Okay, so now the sad news. You’ve probably noticed there’s only two of us here, and that is because Suzie Lahoud is no longer going to be joining us as a co-host on this show. She’s working on her PhD at a little school you’ve probably never heard of called Oxford University, and she needs to take time to focus on that, which we find incredibly understandable, but we are also very sad and we will miss terribly her and her contributions to this show and everything we do at KTF Press. But we wish her all the best in her work on what we are sure will be a brilliant theology thesis.

For now, it will just be Jonathan and I holding down the fort. We are probably gonna have a third permanent co-host come on at some point. We’re definitely having at least one guest host this season. And as Jonathan said, we have a lot of really great things planned for this season already.

Jonathan Walton: Please remember you can support this show by going to KTFPress.com and becoming a paid subscriber. And for the next two weeks, we’re having a season three launch sale! Get a whole year of the subscription for 50% off at KTFPress.com/season3. That’s KTFPress.com/season, and then the number three.

That gets you the bonus episodes of this show and our weekly newsletter where we curate media to help you in your discipleship and political education. And it supports this show and everything else we do at KTF Press. So you get a full year for just $35 by going to KTFpress.com/season3. Again, that’s KTFPress.com/season, and then the number three.

Sy Hoekstra: We are so excited to be back behind the mic and recording this show again for you all. We are going to do bonus episodes again for subscribers when this season is over. We couldn’t during this last season break because we were working on our new book (which is still available at faithunleavened.com), but now that that’s out, we will get back in our more regular recording rhythm.

So, we will see you all on Friday with CNN reporter John Blake.

Jonathan Walton: See you then!

[The song “Citizens” by Jon Guerra fades in. Lyrics: “And that you’re building a city/ Where we arrive as immigrants/ And you call us citizens/ And you welcome us as children home/ Where we arrive as immigrants/ And you call us citizens/ And you welcome us as children home.” The song fades out.]

Jonathan Walton: The good news is that season 3 Starts Friday with an episode featuring CNN reporter John Blake. We’re [tries to say the next word and coughs]. Oh, that sounded [coughs again]. Sorry… [Sy chuckles].

The good news is that season 3 Starts [Jonathan laughs at himself]. Dang it! [laughs again]

The good news is that season three starts Friday with an episyooode [oddly lengthening word] featuring CNN reporter John Blake.

Sy Hoekstra: No dude do it again [laughs]

Jonathan Walton: [makes a croaky frustrated noise] Mah!