Order Keeping the Faith
White American Christianity Is Broken
Since 2016, that much has been clear. But Trump was not the cause of that brokenness—he was the result.
An anthology of dissent, Keeping the Faith unites the voices of believers who reject Christian nationalism and its idolatry of power. It is a record of resistance to the distorted gospel that fueled support for Trump over three presidential elections.
This collection is for anyone who has ever looked at the unholy religious pageantry that enabled Trumpism and said quietly in their heart: This is not my Jesus. We’re with you. And we’re saying it from the chest, for the people in the back.
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Here’s what they’re saying:
“An important, powerful book by younger Christians. Their moving personal stories and probing theological reflection challenge us to let Christ, not surrounding society, be Lord of our politics. Their penetrating, biblically grounded, critique of so much of white evangelicalism will stand as an important historical witness to biblical fidelity at a time of massive white evangelical failure and disobedience. Highly recommended.”
— Dr. Ron Sider, Founder and President Emeritus of Christians for Social Action
“This collection of essays constitutes a compelling witness to the justice claims of the gospel. This wide-ranging testimony presents a host of writers with appropriate measures of passion, indignation, and hope with reference to urgent contemporary issues. The accent on justice powerfully disrupts our all too easy compromises of the gospel, and invites us to be ‘woke’ in active, transformative ways.”
— Dr. Walter Brueggemann, Professor Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary
“God’s spirit is inviting us in this moment in time to consider what the voice of God’s people will be. This collection of essays written by practitioners, academics, and activists of faith will equip you to consider the reality of how our political structures and systems impact people. Historical insights and personal narratives will challenge our allegiance and deepen our worship.”
— Sandra Maria Van Opstal, Executive Director of Chasing Justice
Meet Our Contributors

Christian leaders bring their diverse expertise to Keeping the Faith, including:
Randy Woodley – “The Fullness Thereof”
Brandi Miller – “Left Behind”
Robert Chao Romero “The Yeast of Herod”
Alexia Salvatierra – “Christ and the Stranger”
Rasool Berry – “The Promises and Perils of Critical Race Theory”
Mark Scandrette – “Vote Like the Beatitudes Matter”
Meet Our Editors

Jonathan Walton
Jonathan Walton co-hosts the podcast Shake the Dust and writes for KTF Press. He is also the creator of the Emotionally Healthy Activist Course and podcast, and the author of 5 books, including Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive. He has a degree in creative writing from Columbia University, and an MA in the study of the Americas from the City University of New York. He works as a Senior Resource Specialist for InterVarsity, and leads the Emotionally Healthy Activist Team, focusing on developing resources around Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. He has extensive experience leading cohorts, conference sessions, and one-off workshops.
Suzie Lahoud
Suzie Lahoud is a published author with two MAs in Middle Eastern Studies from the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut and Harvard University, and a BA from Duke University in Russian and Middle Eastern Studies. Her extensive overseas experience includes managing relief and development projects for displaced populations in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. She is currently a doctoral candidate in philosophical theology at the University of Oxford.
Sy Hoekstra
Sy Hoekstra is the co-host and producer of the podcast, Shake the Dust. He is also a writer and editor at KTF Press. In a past life, he was a lawyer who worked as a public defender in the New York City child welfare system, and a Staff Attorney at the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He graduated with honors from NYU Law and earned a BA in History and German Literature from Columbia University. He grew up in the Midwest and Northeast, and lived in Zurich, Switzerland as a teenager.